How to get the skin URL of a skull from a give command

  1. Find a give command
  2. The Command:
  3. /give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Google Chrome"},SkullOwner:{Id:"c424243d-0421-4774-8aeb-2ddea957ed57",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTY5MzZkNGYwZDFiOTNmZWY3NzViMWZiZDE5MjgxYjcwYzZmODg0NzViYjVhNDFiZjM3MmMxMmYxZjhhMjIifX19"}]}}}
  4. Look for this part: textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTY5MzZkNGYwZDFiOTNmZWY3NzViMWZiZDE5MjgxYjcwYzZmODg0NzViYjVhNDFiZjM3MmMxMmYxZjhhMjIifX19"}]
  5. Copy the text in red
  6. Put that text in your config.yml

Developer JavaDocs

Because SimpleAPI is an API, it means that developers will have to be able to look at what they can do. I designed SimpleAPI so that it will be easy to use. Utilizing the API means you have access to A LOT of functions that would not normally be useable without NMS, I get rid of that. When a developer links into SimpleAPI They get access to the classes but no contact with NMS. This is to help ensure that the API will not break any plugins that utilize the API. If you want to take a look at the JavaDocs then CLICK HERE.


Permission List for SimpleAPI:

    Command Permissions:
  • SimpleAPI.command.action
  • SimpleAPI.command.title
  • SimpleAPI.command.updater
  • SimpleAPI.command.particle
  • SimpleAPI.command.compass
  • SimpleAPI.command.armorcolor
  • SimpleAPI.command.firework
  • SimpleAPI.command.rename
  • Other Permissions:
  • SimpleAPI.texturefinder.use
  • SimpleAPI.lightdetector.use

Particle Data List

ID ENUM NAME NAME Allowed Version (And up)
0 EXPLOSION_NORMAL explode 1.8
1 EXPLOSION_LARGE largeexplode 1.8
2 EXPLOSION_HUGE hugeexplosion 1.8
3 FIREWORKS_SPARK fireworksSpark 1.8
4 WATER_BUBBLE bubble 1.8
5 WATER_SPLASH splash 1.8
6 WATER_WAKE wake 1.8
7 SUSPENDED suspended 1.8
8 SUSPENDED_DEPTH depthsuspend 1.8
9 CRIT crit 1.8
10 CRIT_MAGIC magicCrit 1.8
11 SMOKE_NORMAL smoke 1.8
12 SMOKE_LARGE largesmoke 1.8
13 SPELL spell 1.8
14 SPELL_INSTANT instantSpell 1.8
15 SPELL_MOB mobSpell 1.8
16 SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT mobSpellAmbient 1.8
17 SPELL_WITCH witchMagic 1.8
18 DRIP_WATER dripWater 1.8
19 DRIP_LAVA dripLava 1.8
20 VILLAGER_ANGRY angryVillager 1.8
21 VILLAGER_HAPPY happyVillager 1.8
22 TOWN_AURA townaura 1.8
23 NOTE note 1.8
24 PORTAL portal 1.8
25 ENCHANTMENT_TABLE enchantmenttable 1.8
26 FLAME flame 1.8
27 LAVA lava 1.8
28 FOOTSTEP footstep 1.8
29 CLOUD cloud 1.8
30 REDSTONE reddust 1.8
31 SNOWBALL snowballpoof 1.8
32 SNOW_SHOVEL snowshovel 1.8
33 SLIME slime 1.8
34 HEART heart 1.8
35 BARRIER barrier 1.8
36 ITEM_CRACK iconcrack_ 1.8
37 BLOCK_CRACK tilecrack_ 1.8
38 BLOCK_DUST blockdust_ 1.8
39 WATER_DROP droplet 1.8
40 ITEM_TAKE take 1.8
41 MOB_APPEARANCE mobappearance 1.8
42 DRAGON_BREATH dragonbreath 1.9
43 END_ROD endRod 1.9
44 DAMAGE_INDICATOR damageIndicator 1.9
45 SWEEP_ATTACK sweepAttack 1.9
46 FALLING_DUST fallingdust 1.10
47 TOTEM totem 1.11
48 SPIT spit 1.11

PlotSquared Link

How to enable PlotSquared Support:
  1. Open the SimpleArmorStands folder
  2. Open the config.yml file
  3. Change the tag "PlotSquared: Enabled" to true to enable support, or to false to remove support.
How to prevent placement on other peoples plots:
  1. Open the SimpleArmorStands folder
  2. Open the config.yml file
  3. Change the tag "PlotSquared: Prevent-Stands-Placing" to true to prevent people who are not added on the plot from placing ArmorStands.

AntiSwear Link

Download Here
How to enable AntiSwear Support:
  1. Open the SimpleArmorStands folder
  2. Open the config.yml file
  3. Change the tag "AntiSwearLink: Enabled" to true to enable support, or to false to remove support.
How to prevent players from swearing on ArmorStandNames:
  1. Open the SimpleArmorStands folder
  2. Open the config.yml file
  3. Change the tag "AntiSwearLink: CheckNames" to true to prevent people from swearing on ArmorStand names.

How to trust players

  1. Shift + Right Click the ArmorStand you own
  2. Click on the Armorstand in the second to last inventory slot
  3. Click on the Anvil in the center of the last row
  4. Delete the text in the anvil
  5. Input the name of the player you want to trust (Must be online)
  6. Click the Nametag that shows up in the right output slot

How to remove trusted players

  1. Shift + Right Click the ArmorStand you own
  2. Click on the Armorstand in the second to last inventory slot
  3. Click on the skull of the player you want to remove


Permission List for SimpleArmorStandEdit:

  • Permission to override the ArmorStand place limit
  • Permission to modify other peoples ArmorStands
  • Permission to modify the ArmorStand you place
    SimpleArmorStandEdit.modifyRemoved in 0.3+
  • Permission to remove other peoples ArmorStands
  • Permission to modify the arms
  • Permission to change the name
  • Permission to modify the baseplate
  • Permission to toggle name visibility
  • Permission to set the armorstand to be small
  • Permission to modify the visibility
  • Permission to modify the gravity
  • Permission to all the modification permissions
  • Permission to make the name colored
  • Permission to move the Body
  • Permission to move the Left Arm
  • Permission to move the Right Arm
  • Permission to move the Left Leg
  • Permission to move the Right Leg
  • Permission to move the Head
  • Permission to move the ArmorStand around

  • PlotSquared Link Permissions:
  • Permission to place ArmorStands on the road
  • Permission to place ArmorStands on other peoples plots
  • Permission to place ArmorStands on unclaimed plots

  • AntiSwear Link Permissions:
  • Permission to bypass swear blockage
  • Permission to view swear words said in the name

Item Explanation (Default Items)

  • Stick - Toggles the Arm visibility
  • HalfSlab - Toggles the BasePlate visibility
  • NameTag - Toggles the Nametag visibility
  • WoodenHoe - Toggles the Size visibility
  • Barrier - Toggles the visibility
  • Sand - Toggles the Gravity
  • Anvil - Changes the name of the ArmorStand
  • Enderpearl - Moves the ArmorStand (X,Y,Z)
  • Diamond Chestplate - Moves the BodyPose (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • Blazerod (Amount: 1) - Moves the Left arm (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • Blazerod (Amount: 2) - Moves the Right arm (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • Iron Leggings (Amount: 1) - Moves the left leg (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • Iron Leggings (Amount: 2) - Moves the right leg (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • Iron Helmet - Moves the head (Yaw,Pitch,Roll)
  • ArmorStand - Shows who the owner of the stand is

How to work the custom Permissions:

  1. Open the type you want to modify (Particles.tml or Shapes.yml)
  2. Look for the config tag called "Permission"
  3. Modify the permission to what you want it to be.
  4. Save the file
  5. Note: the permissions all start with "SimpleParticles."
  6. Give them the permission
  7. Note: The permission will be setup like this: "SimpleParticles.CUSTOMIZED_PERMISSION_HERE"
And there you have it. Thats how you can work the Custom Permissions for SimpleParticles.

Toggle Pet Riding:

  1. Open the SimplePets plugin folder
  2. Open the PetTranslator.yml
  3. Look for the pet you want to toggle riding for
  4. Change the config tag 'Mount' to false (to turn off riding) or true (to turn on riding)

Change Walk Speed:

  1. Open the SimplePets plugin folder
  2. Open the PetTranslator.yml
  3. Look for the pet you want to toggle riding for
  4. Change the config tag 'WalkSpeed' to the decimal number you want
  5. Note: getting close to a whole number is VERY fast, I would try and keep the number below 0.7

Toggle Player Pet Naming:

  1. Open the SimplePets plugin folder
  2. Open the config.yml
  3. Change the config tag 'PlayerPetNaming' to false (to turn off naming) or true (to turn on naming)


Permission List for SimplePets: